Fundraisers in the Iron County School District must follow Policy 726.

ICSD Fundraiser Campaign Checklist
Pre Campaign:
☐ Define Fundraising Goal: Determine the educational purpose and specific needs the fundraiser will address, aligning the goal with permissible activities such as equipment purchases, academic program support, or school improvements.
☐ Obtain Pre-approval: Discuss your fundraising idea with school administration well in advance to ensure approval and success. The official fundraising request (see below) must be made at least 20 calendar days prior to the planned fundraising activity.
☐ Compliance Check: Work with school administration to ensure the campaign will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and policies.
Create a SuccessFund Campaign: (Helpful "How To" Videos)
☐ Log in to SuccessFund or create an account at
☐ Select the type of fundraiser (e.g., crowdfunding, product sales, event). Check out the Fundraising Blogs at for ideas. Avoid prohibited activities like raffles or lotteries.
☐ Customize the campaign with a description, images, and color choices.
☐ If selling products, add product details, prices, and quantities.
☐ Add checkout questions to gather necessary information from supporters.
☐ Add collaborators to help manage the campaign.
Submit Fundraising Request:
☐ Complete the district-approved fundraising request form in SuccessFund, including educational purposes, fundraising methods, times, locations, and organizations involved. Submit the request at least 20 calendar days before the planned activity.
☐ Await initial review from the first approver, usually the school principal, and be prepared to make adjustments based on feedback. Understand that administrators can forward requests based on the school's process, and additional approvals may be required.
☐ Monitor your email for the final approval notification.
Share the Campaign:
☐ Share the campaign link through social media, email, or other channels.
☐ Use flyers, QR codes, and unique links to track contributions.
Collect Payments:
☐ Use SuccessFund to collect all online and in-person payments.
Accept online payments through various methods like credit cards, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and PayPal.
Use SuccessFund card readers for in-person payments other than cash or checks.
☐ Log cash or offline transactions through the SuccessFund mobile app. The app can be downloaded here.
☐ Ensure those receiving cash and check payments are trained on district cash receipting policies and procedures, or that cash and check payments are made directly to the school. Campaign organizers, coaches, and advisors may not receive cash or other offline payments.
Manage the Fundraiser:
☐ Track progress using the Results tab in SuccessFund.
☐ Monitor sales, participants, and collected information.
☐ Issue refunds as needed through the Results tab if you have refund permissions.
☐ Provide receipts for online transactions and optionally for in-person transactions.
☐ Adjust product prices or quantities as necessary.
☐ Pause the fundraiser, if needed, and mark items sold out.
☐Fulfill orders or redeem items using the SuccessFund mobile app by scanning QR codes or looking up orders. Use the All Results report to manage fulfillment, export data, and view responses to checkout questions.
Deposit of Funds:
☐ Funds are deposited weekly by SuccessFund into a bank account owned and managed by the school, district, or approved organization.
☐ Deposit cash to a school or district bank account within 3 days of receipt, holding it in a safe at the school until deposited. Under no circumstances should cash or checks be taken home.
☐ Financial secretaries will utilize the report accompanying every deposit to the bank account to ensure that the funds are input into the accounting system and the necessary account codes are used.
Closeout the Campaign:
☐ Return to SuccessFund to close the campaign, triggering the district closeout report.
Helpful SuccessFund FAQs and Resources:
Organizer FAQs: Available at
External Group FAQs:
How to Videos: Available at
Success Blog: Available at