2021 Bond Spending Updates

Update video on 2021 bond projects
Voters approved a $69.5 million bond in November of 2021.
The projects outlined in the bond proposal include these six projects: (Click on each to see the status of the project and projected completion)
Cedar Middle School was expanded with new performing arts classrooms, science labs, and general classrooms. Additional rooms will be reclaimed for general and severe special education use.
Canyon View Middle School is in the process of expanding with new performing arts classrooms, science labs and a remodel of the science wing, providing improved instructional facilities and additional classrooms for general use.
Cedar High School’s science wing was remodeled to streamline the use of existing space for needed science classrooms, and to modernize aging science lab facilities.
The seventy-year-old East Elementary building is being replaced with a new building on the same property. In addition to foundation settling issues, the current building has antiquated HVAC, mechanical, and electrical systems that are inefficient, inaccessible, and often require rerouting and costly maintenance.
A new Shared/Multi-Use facility between Parowan High School and Parowan Elementary has just begun and will be built to accommodate a needed lunchroom, physical education, and extra-curricular space for Parowan High School and to provide improved physical education instruction space at Parowan Elementary.
A new District Transportation Facility will be constructed with lease revenue bonds. The project will improve bus security, and increase capacity to maintain a growing number of school busses, fleet vehicles, and facilities maintenance equipment. Due to inflationary costs of construction, the bond funds were nearly depleted by the other projects.
Bond funds are specified for use to fund any purpose listed on the ballot including: paying all or a portion of the costs to acquire land; acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping new school facilities; and improving or rebuilding existing facilities. Any change in the use of the bond funds must be approved by 6 out of 7 board members in a public meeting.