Emergency Closure or Delayed Start
Delayed Start and Emergency School Closure
It is very rare that the weather in Iron County is so severe that action would need to be taken by the school district. However, the possibility exists that a weather event or another emergency could cause the school district to deviate from the regular school day schedule.
Iron County School District will work closely with city and county officials as well as reliable weather information prior to making a decision to alter the schedule due to weather conditions or other emergency situations.
The decision to alter the schedule due to weather conditions will be made by the Superintendent.
If it is determined that the weather conditions require an adjustment to the school schedule, one of the two options below will be selected.
Emergency School Closure - There will be NO SCHOOL in the event that an Emergency School Closure is implemented. This means teachers and students will not be responsible to do any school work that day. An Emergency School Closure day must be MADE UP somewhere in the calendar by reducing a break or holiday by one day and holding school instead.
Delayed-Start - Every start time for teachers and students (including bus schedules) will be delayed by two (2) hours. This gives time for roads to be cleared and conditions to improve. A Delayed-Start day counts as a regular school day and does NOT need to be made up in the calendar. All end times will remain the same as usual. For example, on a Delayed-Start day, East Elementary, which normally starts school at 8:55 a.m. would start school at 10:55 a.m. but they would still get out at 3:30 p.m. as usual.
a. Pre-School: Start time for teachers and students (including bus schedules) will be delayed by one hour in the AM session and normal schedule for PM session. AM session will be 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and PM session will be 12:30 p.m.-3 p.m. as usual. No reimbursement of tuition.
A Delayed-Start may be changed to an Emergency School Closure if the conditions are such that a Delayed-Start is no longer adequate.
Parents will be notified of an Emergency School Closure Day or Delayed-Start via text message. Additionally, the district will send a robo-call out to all parent cell phone numbers on record in the PowerSchool system. An email will be sent to parents and local radio stations will be notified. Information about an Emergency School Closure Day or Delayed-Start will also be shared through the school district’s FaceBook, Twitter and irondistrict.org.
If a Delayed-Start is changed to an Emergency School Closure day, the same notifications will be provided by 9 a.m. If no change has been announced by 9 a.m., the Delayed-Start will move forward as described in the notification.