Our mission is to ensure that English learners attain English fluency, meet high academic expectations, and have the confidence to participate in mainstream education
Belief Statements
EL students are entitled to instruction suited to their needs.
All student achievement can improve through research-based instruction.
Research-based instruction can improve through teacher development.
Success in our society is dependent on English proficiency.
In order to make our shared vision a reality we,
Closely monitor EL students and document their progress,
Advise appropriate interventions for students who are failing,
Develop a non-English speaking parent communication plan,
Educate teachers and administrators on effective teaching strategies, and
Encourage a SIOP PLC in every school.
English learners become competent in academic language and functions,
English learners graduate or have other opportunities to gain a diploma,
Teachers use research-based teaching strategies for English learners,
Teachers counsel with ESL coordinators to make instructional decisions.
English learners have equal access and opportunity to meaningful participation in their education and preparation for life.
Teachers use proven instructional strategies to meet the needs of their English learners.
Schools proactively communicate with English learning families.