Adult Education

Iron County Adult Education
Iron County adult Education Hours of operation
Monday-Thursday (Following the Iron County School District Calendar)
8am to 12 pm, 1 pm to 6 pm
Adult Education
In Adult Education we provide services aimed to helping people in our community get to the next level of education. Our goal is to empower students to gain skills needed to compete in the workforce, gain technical, business and or college skills. We are a proud partner of the American Job Network.
We offer Adult High School completion Diplomas, Ged preparation and remediation in English and Mathematics.
How Our Process Works:
Make contact with our center and arrange a time to take the tests and fill out the paperwork.
Attend the next orientation fulfilling all requirements including proof of residency.
Work on your education plan developed with the Adult Education Staff members.
In the State of Utah if you are under 18 years of age and your class has not yet graduated, you must enroll in an Adult Education to be eligible to take the GED.
We prepare students for the GED using the Test of Adult Basic Education. After the test has been taken, we find what deficits exist and help the student acquire the skills needed to complete the GED. We use a combination of packets, online programs and instruction to help students find their success.
Once a student is ready, they can take the GED through the Southwest Technical College testing center. Students can register on the website. There are 4 tests; mathematics, language arts, social studies, and science. We recommend all students focus on one test at a time, each costing $30.
Once the form is filled out, email it to
Adult High School
The Adult High School follows the Utah State Office of Education requirements for graduation. That requires a minimum of 24 credits to graduate.
Once all requirements are finished (including the citizenship test) a student is then able to graduate. Here is a form we use to calculate needed classes:
Graduation Credit Progress Form
*Please note: We do not allow students to test out of classes for credit. All testing-out is done through the Granite School District program.