Academically Gifted and Talented
Characteristics of Gifted Children
Shows superior reasoning powers and marked ability to handle ideas; can generalize readily from specific facts and can see subtle relationships; has outstanding problem-solving ability.
Shows persistent intellectual curiosity; asks searching questions; shows exceptional interest in the nature of humankind and the universe.
Has a wide range of interests, often of an intellectual kind; develops one or more interests to considerable depth.
Is markedly superior in quality and quantity of written and/or spoken vocabulary; is interested in the subtleties of words and their uses.
Reads avidly and absorbs books well beyond his or her years.
Learns quickly and easily and retains what is learned; recalls important details, concepts and principles; comprehends readily.
Shows insight into arithmetical problems that require careful reasoning and grasps mathematical concepts readily.
Shows creative ability or imaginative expression in such things as music, art, dance, drama, shows sensitivity and finesse in rhythm, movement, and bodily control.
Sustains concentration for lengthy periods and shows outstanding responsibility and independence in classroom work.
Sets realistically high standards for self; is self-critical in evaluation and correcting his or her own efforts.
Shows initiative and originality in intellectual work; shows flexibility in thinking and considers problems from a number of viewpoints.
Observes keenly and is responsive to new ideas.
Shows social poise and an ability to communicate with adults in a mature way.
Gets excitement and pleasure from intellectual challenge; shows an alert and subtle sense of humor.
-ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education
Tiered Supports
Tier I
This level of service is available to all students through differentiated instruction in the traditional classroom.
Every educator in Iron County District is a member of a professional learning community that is guided by four questions during their weekly meetings.
What do students need to know and be able to do?
How will we know that they have learned it?
What will we do when they haven’t learned it?
What will we do when they already know it?
Question #4 focuses the attention of all our instructional teams on the needs of our students to ensure that academic growth continues, for all students.
Tier II
During the third-grade year, students will be identified for participation in ICSD's Design Thinking Enrichment Program which is a quarterly enrichment offering for students that qualify. Students are identified with multiple academic measures and will receive this supplemental instruction in 4th and 5th grade on Utah Core Standards. Teachers and parents may also refer students to the program.
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Tier III
Beginning in the 6th grade, all students are eligible to enroll in the accelerated class/s at their intermediate school if they meet the enrollment requirements (see individual schools for more information). In the secondary schools, Iron County School District offers a variety of accelerated options to our students including honors, advanced placement, concurrent enrollment, early college, Technical skills,, and a variety of fine/performing arts, CTE and athletic programs.
Appeal Process
If you believe the selection process for the 4th or 5th grade cohort does not accurately consider your child for the Gifted & Talented Cohort, please contact (
If you believe your student was unfairly denied access to one of the secondary accelerated learning programs contact your child’s school administrator.