Students and Faculty were favored to have Major Jeff Quarnberg, officer in charge of Military Science at SUU, come to Iron Springs Elementary School on Monday, September 11th in honor of Patriot Day. Major Quarnberg was a 5th grade teacher and in training to join the army when the attacks on 9/11 happened. He taught students that 9/11 is called Patriot Day in honor of the almost 3000 people who died and the First Responders who risked their lives to protect the people of the United States.
While talking about the importance of 9/11 and the heroes of that day Major Quarnberg shared with students that 9/12 is also a day of importance . On that day relationships grew, we loved each other and we loved our country. We were united as a Country. Relationships with their country, themselves, family and community are an important part of our lives.
A moment of silence was observed where students could remember the first responders and to also think about our own relationships. Thank you Major Jeff Quarnberg for taking the time to share with us and thank you to the First Responders who work so diligently to protect us.