At times, the advanced orchestra will have some professional players come into the class to interest the students to continue playing. Most of the time they will play for the students and then they will either play with the students in their section or will just listen to the students and give them advice on how to make their playing sound a bit better. This is usually a treat that just the advanced class gets, but the other orchestras will sometimes get it as well.
On the 12th of October a professional cellist came into the advanced orchestra class which is the top orchestra in the middle school. He came in and started talking to the students about teaching an orchestra class. He then played for the students and all the students had their minds blown. After that he asked the students to play for him so he could evaluate them as their concert was that night. After listening to their music, he gave them some advice, but after that he told them they sounded really good. He also said that not very many students would be able to play the music that they were playing.
Written by Rylan B. - 8th grade