At our last enrichment activity the SUU animal ambassador visited CMS students to talk about their amazing animals. Coco W. (one of our 8th Graders) got to hold Scar, a Boa constrictor, found with scars all over his body from live rats that attacked him. The previous owner was not taking care of him right and made the right choice to give him to the SUU Animal Ambassadors.
Mercedes is the name of a male lizard they have. Originally from Florida, Mercedes eats small pets and anything that will fit in his mouth. He is an aggressive eater. He would not make a good pet.
Tater is the name of a sociodis tortoise who used to be the size of a potato. He is now
70 pounds and still growing! Not the best choice for a pet. When he is fully grown he will weigh 200 lbs. The eggs are the size of a golf ball. People did not feed him properly.
Written by Thelma G.