On October 12th there was an orchestra concert featuring
beginning, intermediate, and advanced classes. It was held in the gym
and lasted for about 1 hour. Mrs. Carrigan, the director, worked
with each student and made this concert sound amazing! There
were about 90 kids in all orchestras that played that night
First, the beginning class played three songs: Hot Cross Buns,
Brunt Cross Buns and Tune-A-Rumble, an open string song.
After the beginning orchestra played the intermediate orchestra
was on. The intermediate class played two songs: Enter the Heroes and Zombie Dance, which they played for Halloween. After the intermediate class was finished, the spotlight went to the advanced orchestra who played three songs: Tell-Tale Heart, The Curse of
Tutankhamun (King Tut) and the grand finale, Spider Dance.
We talked to a student who is in our Advanced orchestra. Kaisyn
B, a 2nd Violin player, said this, “Advanced did really
well. I thought at least. The other orchestras also did really well.”
Audrey K. said, "I love being in the orchestra, you can start as a
beginner and be a pro in three years. I’m in the intermediate
orchestra and I can’t wait to be in advanced. I feel like I’m so
ready for it and can’t wait to see what Mrs. Carrigan will have us
Written by Audrey K. and Rylan B.