heart rock

On April 26, Cedar Middle School had an enrichment activity during advisory class. Students that went got to meet Tom Ballard aka The Heart Rock Guy. He came and talked to us about how he goes around the western United States and delivers heart rocks. Tom makes them in his shed, he goes out and looks for rocks, then he cuts them into thin slices. He then traces hearts and cuts them out. He has made thousands of heart rocks. He has been to many schools talking about how he got started and how he has been using the rocks to prevent suicide. The reason he started sharing heart rocks and talking about resilience is because his brother-n-law committed suicide in 2019. He gives them to people all over the country to remind them that they are loved. He has a goal to give out 1 million heart rocks to schools all over Utah over the next 3 years. The students really enjoyed hearing him share his story and his heart rocks. You can visit his website at https://takeheart.rocks/

"It is only a rock until someone uses love and compassion to transform it into a powerful reminder that someone matters, is seen, loved, and not alone." Tom Ballard

Written by: Addison C. - 7th grade